Pitcherplant Mining Moth

Exyra semicrocea

The caterpillar of the Pitcherplant Mining Moth (Sarracenia semicrocea) is a generalist that will feed on all pitcherplant species. The other two Pitcherplant Moth species found in the Florida Panhandle, Riding’s Pitcherplant Moth (Exyra ridingsii) and Epauletted Pitcherplant Moth (E. fax), are pitcherplant specialists, the former feeding exclusively on Yellow Pitcherplants (Sarracenia flava) and the latter on Rosy Pitcherplants (S. rosea),

In fact, according to literature, this Pitcherplant Moth may drive out the other two Pitcherplant Moth species.